日本財団 図書館


An Outline of Regulations Concerning Refereeing


Article 1
Referees shall be limited to certified referees chosen by the preparatory committee.
Article 2
There shall be a total of six referees: a head referee, a chief referee, and four sub-referees.
Article 3
Only the referee appointed shall judge the outcome of the match,
Article 4
When judging the outcome of a sumo match, the chief referee shall, raising his arm, indicate either the east or west side of the dohyo, at the same time saying the words "shobu atta".
Article 5
Once the "kachinanori" has been said and the winner declared, no protests or objections may be registered. However, this restriction does not apply when a rikishi other than the one declared winner by the referees is named, or other cases in which it is recognized that the chief referee has obviously made a mistake.
Article 6
(1)Referees shall deliberate together when the head referee or a sub-referee objects to the decision of the chief referee.
(2)A referee wishing to register a protest or objection shall raise his right hand immediately after the chief referee announces his decision.
(3)In the deliberation that follows, the head referee shall make the final judgement concerning the match in question.
(4)Following deliberation, "kachinanori" shall be announced when each referee has returned to his position.
Article 7
Except when otherwise specified in these Regulations, a rikishi shall be declared winner in either of the following cases:
(1)When his opponent leaves or is forced out of the dohyo first.
(2)When any part of his opponent's body (other then the sole of his foot) touches the dohyo first.
Article 8
(1)The techniques "kabaite" or "okuriashi" do not count as losses.
(2)The "orikomi" of a mawashi touching the dohyo does not count as a loss.
(3)A rikishi who wins with a "nagewaza", etc., is not declared the loser even if he falls over and hits the dohyo following the win.
Article 9
Upon deliberation by the referees, a rikishi to whom any of the following applies is declared the loser:
(1)A rikishi judged unable to continue the match due to injury, etc.
(2)A rikishi who has used a "kinjite", or is judged to have used one.
(3)When a rikishi stops the match without permission.
(4)When a referee judges that a rikishi deliberately chose not to begin.
(5)A rikishi who refuses to follow a referee's instructions.




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